Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Lunch: Tuna Salad

Today my son gave his opinion of pacifiers. He took it out of his mouth and chucked it away from him. Now, since he is only 10 weeks old his antic was probably on accident, but it was still funny.

At lunch I decided to try a new recipe of tuna salad and add it to lettuce. I wanted to do something light, because we are having a party with a few friends this evening. About 3/4ths of the way through of making the tuna salad, my son decided he was hungry. I hurried up and finished the salad, so I could go feed him. For this reason, instead of a nice picture, here is a picture of the leftovers.
Yes, there were leftovers. Since it wasn't that big of a batch, it means my husband and daughter were not the biggest fans. My husband stated quite clearly that he didn't like it with lettuce, and would prefer it as a dip. My daughter just took a long time to eat it. I can conclude that this way of doing the recipe is not a hit. Someday, I may make it as a dip for snack and see how that goes over.

I hope everyone has a fabulous new year. :)

Monday, December 30, 2013

New Year's Resolutions

At the end of each year, it is customary to create New Years Resolutions or goals. My husband taught me that I should choose resolutions in different categories, like mental, spiritual, or physical. The most popular resolution seems to be to lose weight. Instead of discounting the goal because of popularity, I decided to join them. I have committed to lose weight. I lost a nice amount of weight last year before my wedding but gained everything back and more when I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy this year. Now I need to lose that baby weight and fit in my jeans again.

For my spiritual, I decided to read the Bible. At least one chapter a day. Now, logically, that would put me into the next year before I finish, but I am okay with that. I'm reading the Bible to learn and grow spiritually, not just to say that read it. I did that when I was a teenager.

Mentally, I decided that I needed to find a new hobby. When I married my husband, I became the mom of a hyper daughter, worked part time and then became pregnant. Needless to say, I really didn't feel like doing much, or felt like I had much time to myself. This year, I am going to try and take time for myself to recharge; so I need to find something that I love to do that will help me recharge and be ready for whatever life throws. One of the hobbies I decided to try out was blogging. Along with blogging, I would do another hobby. I would try out each hobby for at least a month to see if I become better and start to enjoy it. The only hobby I will do longer then that is blogging because I want to blog about my experiments. This will help me have perspective on what I learn and also share my joy and mess ups, without possibly annoying my husband,

My first hobby to try this month is cooking/baking. To go with my goal of losing weight, I want to try and start making meals that are healthy. I would also like to try out some fun recipes. My husband and daughter will be my guinea pigs. If they eat the food well, quickly, or request it again, I'll know I have done a good job and picked a good recipe. Otherwise, that recipe will go away and I'll keep trying. My hope is by the end of the month I'll have made some great healthy recipes that we all love and maybe I will learn to enjoy cooking.