Sunday, September 28, 2014

My birthday

My birthday is coming up. I am turning 30 years old. I never thought I would make it this far. Oh, I didn't think I would die, I just never imagined myself at 30. I'm sure many young people are the same. Being 30 seemed so far away and now suddenly it is here, less than a week away. To celebrate this momentous event I decided I would try to do 30 acts of service/kindness before my birthday. I will try to detail what I did to see if I can make it. It is difficult to do things when I have a little baby and he takes up much of my time. I feel like I rely more on others service than I do serve but I will try my best to serve.

Today on our walk to church, one of my neighbors' mailbox lid was open so I closed it. I know that is simple but I'm counting it.

At church, my daughter and I passed a young lady wearing a pretty dress. We made sure to stop and compliment the lady on her dress.

After church, we went over and visited my parents. My dad had surgery a few weeks ago, so I try to go over every few days to give my mom a break and help out where needed. Today was just to visit and enjoy their company. I am also counting this.

Tonight, my nephew you called and asked if his sister in law could borrow something of mine. I immediately said yes. I think the best part of this was that when I said yes I wasn't thinking about this goal. I did it because someone needed it. How grateful I am that my parents taught me to serve others.

I reached to 4 today.

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