Monday, February 10, 2014

Sadness vs Happiness (Building Description)

Describe a building from the point of view of a woman who has just lost her son to war. Do not mention death, war, son or self.

As I passed by the little house, I cannot help stopping and staring. It seemed to share my sadness. I could tell the owners were trying to make a good impression with the fresh, white paint, but the bright sun showcased the chipped, old wood cracked under the paint. The roof shingles newly patched gave the roof a motley look. Red brick chimneys jutted awkwardly from the roof; the bricks worn and chipped. The grass and plants ran unkempt over the yard. The flag hung limp and lifeless. In the bright light the true age of the house could be seen. This was an old house. Once it had a good life, but now it was old and finished.

Describe a building from the point of a view of a woman who just found out she is pregnant. Do not mention birth, baby, self.

With a smile on my face, I stopped to stare at the cute, little, white house. The grass in the front yard looks perfect for bare feet. I could imagine running around the yard. The blooming flowers were beautiful. They would be a delight to see each day. The plants growing in an arch over the door give excellent shade for visitors knocking at the cute, green door. The white paint was bright and fresh. The red brick chimneys coming up from the roof gave the house unique look. The chimneys also gave a continuity to the house, showing that this house could span generations. The wonderful flag declared the house's patriotism. This house looked perfect for a little family. It had a beautiful yard to play in and plenty of windows for natural light from the bright sun. This lovely, little house was bright and happy.

The house being described:

1 comment:

  1. Wow, it's hard to believe you're describing the same house. Well written Sexy.
