Sunday, February 2, 2014

Families are Forever

"Families are Forever" is this year's theme in primary. We learn from "The Family: A Proclamation to the World" that "the family is central to [God's] plan". We are all part of one family, God's family. He gave us families here on earth and these families can continue after death. Strong families are essential to strong communities and nations.

To quote a song from primary "Our Father has a family. Its me! Its you! All others too." Basically, we are all sons and daughters of God. He is our Father in Heaven. In the bible, Romans chapter 8, verse 16 says "The Spirit beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God". Heavenly Father loves all of us, his children. Most parents want the best for us and our Heavenly Father also wants the best for us. He provided a savior for us, Jesus Christ. Christ came to show us the path to return to live with our Father, and to provide us that way. Christ died for our sins so that we could return to our Heavenly Father.

Also, Heavenly Father gave us families. The proclamation states "The family is ordained of God." It was no accident that from the beginning of time men and women have formed family units. Adam and Eve were commanded to have children, but part of that commandment was "to love and care for each other and for their children... Happiness in family life is most likely to achieved when founded upon the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ." (The Proclamation) In families, parents teach children how to love and care for each other and to follow our Heavenly Father. Parents learn responsibility and control because let's face it, no one can test the patience of an adult like children.

With all the work and effort put in creating a loving family, it would be sad if families ended when we died. That is why our Heavenly Father's plan includes the opportunity for families to be together eternally. In the sacred temples, families can be sealed together. This means that a family will be able to be together after death, if they follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. Parents will be able to be with each other and their children forever. Heaven would not be heaven if we could not be with the ones we love so much. Heavenly Father understands this, since He is our Father, so he provided the way for us to live with our families for eternity.

The theme this year is to teach the children the importance of families. We are are all one family, because we are the children of God. He gave us families to love and teach us how to return to our Father in Heaven. Heavenly Father then provided a way for us to be with our families for eternity. We have been warned that "the disintegration of the family will bring upon individuals, communities, and nations the calamities foretold by ancient and modern prophets." (The Proclamation) Look around, watch the news, and it is clear that the slow disintegration of family values is having a negative affect. The family is vital to communities and nations well-being. We should all help to strengthen families.

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