Friday, January 31, 2014

End of month one

As I mentioned in the beginning, this blog would be about my attempt to find a hobby, to find something I could do to recharge. This first month I tried out cooking. I know that for many people cooking is a great hobby and stress relief. Honestly, for me, this is not a hobby and it didn't help with stress. I like to cook when I am in the mood to cook and already relaxed. When I was tired or stressed I wished that we could do take out or that there was someone else to cook for me. Cooking was not a stress relief. It almost became another point of stress as some days I would despairingly remind myself I had to cook. Cooking is not enjoyable to me unless I feel like cooking, which is not very often. Even with that said, I will not give up cooking. I am a stay at home mom, so I cook our meals to save money, but also, I did enjoy trying out new recipes. I just won't ever consider cooking a hobby and may limit my new recipes to maybe one or two a week.

This next month I have chosen my new hobby to be creative writing. I like to write. I don't consider myself a fantastic writer, but I do like to write. Generally, I prefer to write fiction, but I will try a variety of writing styles. I haven't been able to do a lot of writing since I have been married and especially since the baby came. Life has been busy and I have been so exhausted that when I have time to myself, I just want to go to sleep. I will really put in an effort to write and write well. My plan is that most days (read: every day possible) I will do some sort of creative writing prompt on the blog and hopefully a fiction story on the side for only me to enjoy. Please enjoy my writing and feel free to comment.

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