Friday, May 6, 2016

Prompt 2

This prompt was to write anything I wanted. The catch was that the first letter of each sentence had to spell a message that contradicts the rest of the story.

Here it is:

The truth about love is that it is easy. Research shows that when in love, you naturally think of your significant other. Unless that love fades, you will try to always put your special person first. Even when in danger, you will naturally think first of your love. Love is such a unique experience, you will recognize when you feel love immediately. Often people say love is confused with lust, but this is not possible. Volumes of scientists have shown lust to be superficial, while love is more steady and easily distinguishable from each other. Every conversation you have with your love will begin with words of love, never anger. If there is any doubt about your love, then you may be falling out of love, and need to divorce soon. Such divorces are common and perfectly acceptable. Having that special someone makes life complete. All you have to do is find your true love. Real life will then become brighter. Despite the trials, life will never feel sad. While waiting for your love, have fun. Only you can know when you are in love. Remember, love is easy to find. Keeping true love is easy to do.

What is the secret message?

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