Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Prompt 4

Start the story with: "That's when she learned to fear the silence."

We agreed that the first sentence did not have to be the prompt sentence. It was to be fitted in where it would work best with the story.

Here it is:

She sits in the chair, rocking back and forth, listening to the children play. Their laughter fills the house and she smiles. When the night comes and the children go to bed, she sits in their bedroom. She must hear them breath. No one attempts to move her for they all know why. It all began one night, many years before as a new mother. She woke in the darkness, in the silence. She knew something was wrong. Rushing to the bassinet she placed her hand on her baby's stomach, screaming when there was no movement. She called the police, but it was too late. That's when she learned to fear the silence.

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