Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Prompt 5

Prompt: 30 years ago you avoided being killed by a killer by claiming you would change the world. The killer has returned to check your progress. What do you say?

Change the World

A little part of me has kept track of May 17th. I would mentally mark it as another year I lived, when I could have died. This year a I prepared for bed I realize 30 years had passed since I had been confronted so closely with death. I smile at my husband distracting him from his show with a long kiss that ended us in bed.

In the middle of the night, I had a sudden urge to go to the restroom, I had just stood up in my darkened room when a familiar sensation came over me and a hand silenced my scream. His voiced whispered in my ear, “I'm back.” My eyes flick towards my sleeping husband, and he laughs, “Your husband cannot save you tonight, I have given him a little something to help him sleep,” he said flashing a needle in front of my eyes.

“What do you want?” I stuttered backing into the bookshelf behind me after he removed his hand. His face was in shadows. All I could see was a small glint of silver in his eyes.

“Your time is up.” He said, and he must have seen some confusion in my face because he continued, “30 years ago you said you would change the world, now I am here to see if you have. If you haven't then I will finish my work.”

It all came back to me in a flash, the night sleeping alone in my apartment, my promise to change the world and his time limit. A part of me did not think he would actually return after 30 years, but here he was.

“So,” he said quietly, menacingly stepping towards me, the moon glinting off the silver blade, “have you changed the world?”

“Yes,” I whispered.

“How?” he replied.

“I had children.”

“That doesn't change the world,” he said lunging for me.

I slid away from him crying, “Yes, it does. Let me explain.” He stopped just watching me so I continued. “I have a beautiful daughter, talented in art, but more importantly she loves children. She is a teacher with special needs children. Each child receives her special help and love. She changes their lives with her love and care.”

He stepped towards me again. I was trapped against a corner, so I continued, “I have son, talented in music. He plays many instruments and sings. He lifts hearts with his music, but he is also a protector, a Marine, like his father was. He puts his life on the line to protect others and allow people to live.”

He stepped toward me again so I keep going, “I have another daughter, my youngest. Her smiles brighten rooms and though she has not chosen her path yet, I know she will do great things as well.”

I looked at him, this killer, who had returned to kill me for not changing the world and said one last thing, “Thank you for giving me this time to marry a wonderful man and raise such amazing children. If you do not feel I succeeded in changing the world then we will agree to disagree and I am satisfied with what I have done.”

Finished, I watched the killer who suddenly bowed and turned, walking away. I heard the front door open and close as I slid to the floor, tears streaming down my face. I had survived another night. I looked at my beloved husband for a few minutes before picking up the phone.

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