Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Banana Granola Muffins

This past week, we bought bananas just so I could do this recipe:

I've done a lot of dinner items, so I wanted to try a breakfast item. These muffins looked simple and delicious. My husband has been hinting at me to make them for a few days, so last night I made them.

I didn't actually use granola. Instead I used oatmeal, because that is what we had available. It really didn't take me long to make the recipe. I quickly filled up the pan and put it in the oven.

Now the recipe called for it to cook for 10-12 minutes, but after 12 minutes they were no where close to being done. It took me about 20 minutes to cook the muffins. They smelled delicious and after a short wait my husband grabbed one to try out.

The muffins were pretty good. The muffins were moist. I will need to try this recipe with actual granola.

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