Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Homemade Whole Wheat Pizza

My family loves pizza. On days that we are in a hurry, we might pick up a $5 pizza from Little Caesars. I know that this is extremely unhealthy, but I haven't found a pizza recipe that everyone liked. I decided to try this pizza recipe:

The recipe looked simple and I could make it a vegetarian pizza, helping us save money. This recipe did take a little preparation. I had to make the dough at least an hour before dinner to let it sit in the fridge. I made the dough two hours before dinner, but while in the process, one of my best friends called me. I hadn't talked to her in a long time, so we chatted for awhile. By the time we were done, I was running behind to go pick my daughter up from school, so I rushed through finishing the dough. In my hurry, I forgot to knead the dough a little before putting it in the fridge and rushing out the door. Luckily, the dough still worked out really well. I'm glad it did, because I preferred talking to my friend. Even if the dough had turned out bad, I wouldn't have cared too much because friends are more important.

When it came close to dinner time, I pulled out the dough and began to roll it out into a circle shape on the pizza pan that we have. The dough was really kind of springy, which may be because I forgot to knead it or just because of the wheat. I don't really know why it was springy. What happened was that when I would roll out the dough it would shrink back a little, so it was a slow process with the rolling pin. I finally tired of this and began to use my hands to shape the dough. Finall,y it was big enough and I could put on the toppings.

Instead of using tomato sauce, I used homemade pizza sauce I found in the collection of canned items that my wonderful mother in law gave to us. I layered on thin slices of tomatoes and sweet yellow pepper, topped with Colby Jack cheese and parmesan cheese.

Finally, I stuck in the oven.

It cooked for about 9 minutes and probably could have gone for another minute. It still came out looking delicious.

Everyone seemed to enjoy the pizza. They all went back for another slice. the thing about wheat pizza is that it is more filling, so after two slices, we all were full. My husband finished the leftovers the next day. I think this is a recipe that I could do again. I love pizza because it is versatile. I can always use different toppings to create a different taste.

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