Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Chili Dog Casserole

I have made this recipe before, but my husband requested and I thought I would include this recipe in my list of food.

Chili Dog Casserole is a twist on the classic Chili Dog. There are not a lot of ingredients needed, so it is very easy to put together.

In fact, I asked my daughter to help me roll the hot dogs in the tortillas and she wanted to help grate the cheese. She loved helping out, so it made a great activity for us to do together.

I didn't get a picture of our final product because my son was being very fussy. We turned out all the lights in the house while I rocked him, to try and help calm him down. This meant that we ate dinner by blacklight which was a fun experience.

Here is a picture from the blog where I got the recipe.

This is a very popular dish in our house as my husband and daughter love hot dogs. This will definately be made again.

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