Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Sauteed Zucchini

In making this recipe, I realized that I really enjoy eating cooked zucchini. The smell of the zucchini was delicious and I was excited to try out this recipe.

I halved the recipe because my family is small and I wasn't sure that we would eat it all. I was pretty sure my daughter would be reluctant to eat it because she isn't into eating her vegetables. It turned out alright.

It took longer than I expected to cook the zucchini, but otherwise this was a really simple side dish. It smelled really good.

My husband said that he liked the zucchini, but that he would have cooked the garlic first so that the flavor would penetrate more fully. My daughter ate it without complaint, but that could be because she has learned that she has to eat her vegetables. I would make this side dish again.

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