Friday, January 31, 2014

Roasted Cauliflower

I really wanted to try a roasted cauliflower recipe. I have never eaten a lot of cauliflower, but wanted to try more. I found this recipe that had some good spices to use.

I did skip using the tahini sauce, because I was more interested in roasting the cauliflower and getting that taste.

Actually my wonderful husband did all the work. We had a visitor until just before dinner, and of course, my son decided he was hungry. I went off to feed the baby and my husband started our dinner, including the cauliflower. By the time I was done, so was the food.

Dinner was delicious, my husband did a fabulous job. The cauliflower was alright. My daughter ate them last, which I expected as she still doesn't like vegetables. My husband said that this was a good recipe. I think it is a good way to cook the cauliflower. I may do this recipe again.

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