Friday, January 3, 2014

Fajita-Style Quesadillas

Today I tried Fajita-Style Quesadillas, which are found here:

These were a success and super simple. My husband told me I should have made more and my daughter ate it without complaint. Sorry, I forgot to take a picture of what my creation looked like, but here is the picture from the site I found the recipe. My quesadillas were only slightly different in looks. Honestly, they were slightly messier, as I had trouble flipping the quesadillas.

I felt that this recipe was really simple, but that may have been because my husband did most of the prep work. My son had decided he was hungry, so I had to go feed him. While I was feeding him, my lovely husband chopped up the vegetables and grated the cheese. By the time I got to the kitchen to work, all I had to do was grab a few items and start cooking the quesadillas. Cooking the quesadillas was an adventure in itself. I cooked the vegetables, then started layering the quesadillas. The recipe then called for me to cook one side for 4-5 minutes. I tried that out and almost blackened one side of the first quesadilla. I then decided that I would only cook each side 2-3 minutes and the second quesadilla came out perfect. Even with the slightly darkened side of the first quesadilla, it was delicious.

I made a few recipe changes, by using a yellow pepper and jalapeno, instead of a serrano pepper. We also used Colby Jack cheese and flour tortillas.  I skipped the oil and used the nonstick cooking spray. I know it sounds like I changed a lot, but I doubt it was really that different from the original. I was basically using the ingredients we had in our house.

This recipe seems very versatile. I'm sure I could add and take away any vegetables, or meat, to create whatever kind of quesadilla I wanted. I'm really happy to have found this recipe.

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